Cashboard API

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GET /account/new

No authentication required.

Returns a data template that you can fill in to use the CREATE action.

POST /accounts

No authentication required.

Unlike other services, we actually allow you to create accounts via the API.

This enables you to write client applications that require no interaction
with the Cashboard web interface to get set up.

Creates a new Cashboard account. Use the template provided by the NEW action.

Returns information about the account upon success, including user information for the account owner.

GET /account

Shows Cashboard account information and preferences.

This will include information for "current_user" as well, which would be the user who's authenticated the request. We include this information here so you only have to make one request to setup any 3rd party client preferences and restrict access to features based on account level.

PUT /account

Updates account, owner, and company information.

POST /account/auth

Allows you to fetch an API KEY by passing in a customer's email address, password, and Cashboard subdomain.

API clients should NOT store email addresses or passwords. Instead, use this action to retrieve a customer's API key, then store that information for authentication.

Successful posts will return API KEY in the response body. Failures will return a 401 response with nothing else.



   user: {
     email_address: '',
     password: '',
     subdomain: ''

Data Reference

Write-once attributes

Subdomain and referrer may only be set during account creation.
They may not be modified by update requests.

If you wish to get credit for referred accounts, be sure to set referrer to your own Cashboard subdomain. If we implement a referral program with payouts in the future we will use this as an identifier.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <created_at read_only="true"></created_at>
  <currency_symbol read_only="true">$</currency_symbol>
  <is_disabled read_only="true">false</is_disabled>
  <next_payment_date read_only="true"></next_payment_date>
  <referrer read_only="true"></referrer>
  <subdomain read_only="true"></subdomain>
    <last_login read_only="true"></last_login>
    <login_count read_only="true">0</login_count>
    <updated_at read_only="true"></updated_at>
    <employee_status_code read_only="true">0</employee_status_code>