Returns a data template that you can fill in to use the CREATE action.
Creates a new time entry. Use the template provided by the NEW action.
Creating a new entry with blank values for the minutes and hours will start the timer on the newly created entry.
If a currently running timer is stopped during this process it will be returned in the response data.
Returns a single time entry.
Updates a time entry.
Deletes a time entry.
Starts or stops a timer running for the selected time entry.
If another time entry's timer was stopped because of this action it will be returned in the data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <time_entry> <created_on></created_on> <updated_at read_only="true"></updated_at> <description></description> <invoice_line_item_id read_only="true"></invoice_line_item_id> <is_billable>false</is_billable> <is_running read_only="true">false</is_running> <line_item_id>0</line_item_id> <minutes>0</minutes> <minutes_with_timer read_only="true">0</minutes_with_timer> <person_id></person_id> <timer_started_at read_only="true"></timer_started_at> </time_entry>
Field notes
minutes_with_timer contains stored minutes plus however long the timer has been running.