Cashboard API

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Line Items

Line items contain the line-level data for estimates and projects.

  • A line item may be a task, product, or custom item
  • Line items may belong to an estimate, a project, or neither

A note about permissions...

  • Administrators have access to all line items
  • Employees will only have access to CRUD items
    that belong to projects or estimates they have access to.

GET /line_items


  • estimate_id
    Filters line items that belong to an Estimate.
  • project_id
    Filters line items that belong to a Project.
  • project_list_id
    Filters line items that belong to a Project List.
  • type_code
    Filters line items by type (product, task, custom).
    Valid type codes are listed in the data reference below.
  • updated_since
    Returns all items last modified after the given date/time.
    Expects a CGI encoded datetime in the form of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS


  • Employees will be shown all items in the account, but no financial information.
    See the Data Reference for more information

GET /line_items/new

Returns a data template that you can fill in to use the CREATE action.

POST /line_items

Creates a new line item. Use the template provided by the NEW action.


GET [line_item link 'self']

Returns a single line item, including any Time Entries and Comments that belong to it.

PUT [line_item link 'self']

Updates an existing line item.

DELETE [line_item link 'self']

Deletes a line item.
Line Items that have been invoiced may not be deleted.

Data Reference

A note about permissions...

Tags with the attribute rel="financial" will be removed for employees who don't have permissions to access that information. Your API client should be able to deal with these fields missing from the data.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <comments_count read_only="true">0</comments_count>
  <flat_fee rel="financial">0.00</flat_fee>
  <invoice_line_items_count read_only="true">0</invoice_line_items_count>
  <is_taxable rel="financial">true</is_taxable>
  <markup_percentage rel="financial"></markup_percentage>
  <price_actual rel="financial" read_only="true">0</price_actual>
  <price_per rel="financial">0.00</price_per>
  <time_entry_minutes read_only="true">0</time_entry_minutes>
  <updated_at read_only="true"></updated_at>


Type code determines the kind of line_item.


An integer that determines the color of line item "labels" in the Cashboard UI.