Invoice line items contain the line-level data for invoices.
Lists all invoice line items.
Returns a data template that you can fill in to use the CREATE action.
Creates a new invoice line item. Use the template provided by the NEW action.
Returns a single invoice line item.
Updates an existing invoice line item.
Deletes an invoice line item.
Line Items that have been invoiced may not be deleted.
Tags with the attribute rel="financial" will be removed for employees who don't have permissions to access that information. Your API client should be able to deal with these fields missing from the data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <invoice_line_item> <description></description> <flat_fee rel="financial">0.00</flat_fee> <invoice_id></invoice_id> <invoice_schedule_id></invoice_schedule_id> <is_taxable>true</is_taxable> <markup_percentage rel="financial"></markup_percentage> <price_per rel="financial">0.00</price_per> <quantity>0.0</quantity> <rank></rank> <title></title> <total rel="financial" read_only="true">0.00</total> <updated_at read_only="true"></updated_at> </invoice_line_item>